
time to Blossom

Life is not easy by any means. We start life as just a seed, each of us planted in different soil. We are fed nutrients that allow us to become strong, each of our diets different. Yet, we still arrive at the same place eventually: adulthood.

As a young adult I can admit that I believed I had it all figured out. I knew what I wanted to do (make money), I knew that I wanted a family, I knew that I was a Christian, but I didn't really blossom into those things entirely.

More than a completely blossomed flower, I am a bud, ripe with potential, primed for decision making. Now the question is, "Where am I getting my nutrients from?" Nutrients come from the roots, and our roots are planted in one soil only.

Matthew 6:24 - "No one can serve two masters; for either he will hate the one and love the other, or he will be devoted to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and wealth."

I'm not one to preach that wealth is bad, nor am I one to focus on God vs. Money, but I will say that the love of money is not the only other soil available. Many people I know plant their roots in their culture, many plant them in spirituality, hoping for acceptance. You see, we all long for acceptance from the soil we are planted in. Let me illustrate this:

There was one a boy I knew who did everything he could to belong to the cliques of culture and spirituality. He listened to the music that culture praised, wore the clothes that culture promoted, and spoke the way that culture articulates language. Also, he went to church, listened to Christian music, participated in church camp and other church related activities. The problem was that he had no planted roots. He was a free floating seed, unable to find soil to provide nutrients, unable to be accepted.

As the boy grew he saw in his heart that he was weak, easily washed away by the rain, damaged by the sun, unable to stand on his own. He was lost.

Perhaps you can cope with this boy. Perhaps you are trying to be planted in two types of soil, and yet in your heart you know that you can only receive nutrients from one source, and you also know that you need nutrients to be healthy and strong. It also could be that you know the boy I was speaking about is me.

If you have known me through my life then you know that I am, self-admittedly, a former smoker of pot, cigarettes, a previous drunk, a habitual liar, a thief, and a fake. I am ashamed of who I have been. However, I have finally planted my roots. My roots are in Jesus Christ, who has conquered my sin for my sake, has forgiven me for what I have done, who I now rely on as my savior.

The truth is, I desperately need a savior, and so do you. Maybe if you read this it will inspire you to ask questions, and seek answers. Maybe you will turn a blind eye to what you have read, or maybe it will stick with you until another shares Jesus with you. Whatever the case is, if you are not planted in good soil, you will surely die. Think about this for a second...

Psalm 145:6-9:
6 They tell of the power of your awesome works-- and I will proclaim your great deeds. 7 They celebrate your abundant goodness and joyfully sing of your righteousness. 8 The LORD is gracious and compassionate, slow to anger and rich in love. 9 The LORD is good to all; he has compassion on all he has made.

Check your roots!

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