Venting about politics...

9000+ Earmarks?

Is this the "change" we were led to believe was inevitable?

Ok, I don't normally do this, and it won't happen again for a while, unless there is another issue I feel is deserving of the time, but this is serious business here. First, let me say that at the beginning of the Obama campaign, I actually told my mother that I was thinking of voting for Obama. The question is why? I have spent many days kicking myself in the rear for it, but the reason was that Obama was the popular pick, and that he was "different" than Bush.

During the last few months prior to voting I actually became educated about the topics, and became highly resolved that I didn't like either candidate. Neither of them stood out as being the perfect choice, but after a while I stopped being able to trust Obama. Did he lie to me at the time that I was aware? Did he do something to betray my trust at all? Not that I can remember, but then I started getting into the major details of his views, and got a little scared for the future.

My mother has issues with her breathing, and there have been many experimental drugs that have helped her cope with her troubles over the years, many of which saved her life. Obama says that he believes in Capitalist America, but wants to socialize health care. Let me be clear, this will mean exactly what he has been quoted to say. This will mean that the government will stop providing money to look into new and alternative treatments for the diseases that they chose. Furthermore, they will have the final say so as to what candidates get what treatments, and doctors won't have a say. This is what is staring us down in the near future. Can I imagine a situation where my mother's life is compromised because the government doesn't think it's a good investment of money to give her experimental treatments for her asthma? I can and it scares me.

2nd main issue, I didn't really like Bush, and I feel he portrayed conservatives as a whole as idiots who like to shoot potato guns, and put food on their families. But seriously he did make sure that our military was up and running in order to protect us from any domestic threats. How many terrorist attacks have happened since 2001 that I can name? I will refrain from answering that question to maintain my itegrity, because I'm just not sure, but I don't recall any. Not one.

Obama wants to shut down military operations and spending on new technologies that we will need in the future. Instead he passed a bill with over 9000 earmarks in it, including one grant to scientists to see if they can alter pig crap to see if they can take the smell out. I'll tell you one thing, I would rather be covered in smelly pig crap than fear for my families safety and the continuance of our way of life.

By the way, anyone hear that Obama wanted to re-open trade with Cuba, a communist country? I thought we didn't support communism in any way? Funny...

Final game: Have you seen "Jay Walking" on The Tonight Show With Jay Leno? If you have, then I will encourage you to find some Obama supporters between the ages of 18 and 35, and ask them "what is Obama actually going to do to inspire "change"? I came from San Diego, a place where I couldn't get into Target without tons of guys asking me to support their choice to "love who they want", nor could I work at my job without hearing that "republicans suck", or "what about date rape victims, don't they have the right to not have the baby?" This is labeled politics, not religion, so I will try to stay out of it, but seriously, does the baby deserve to die because someone else did something wrong? I don't think that's right...

1 comments to "Venting about politics..."

  • Ow! Quite a vent...whew...can't say I disagree with you on too much of are especially right about what governement-run health care will look like. Anyway, baby's crying, gtg - ow!

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