PLAYSTATION 4 & Hammer Pants: The Culture of The Next Best Thing
I've been thinking about technology and Hammer Pants lately. The field of technology is unparallelled in growth and succession, while fashion is changing so much that I am starting to feel really old, and I'm only 29.
What was awesome yesterday is now obsolete, and what we wore yesterday is no longer cool, so we are continually redefining ourselves in order to stay in tune with our cultural "norm".
Think about the iPhone for example. I have friends who have successively purchased each type of iPhone as it comes out. It seems as though only a couple years have passed since the original iPhone, and yet here we are with millions of shoppers rushing and lining up to purchase the "newer version" of their current phone.Hammer Pants were once the craze of the nation. I remember my mother used to wear them and I thought she was so cool. I rocked my British Knights almost as well as I wore my parachute threads.
So I have to admit that the PS4 will probably happen, while Hammer Pants will most likely stay in seclusion, but it's more of an allusion to another big topic, one that is even more exciting and relevant:
Hebrews 13:8 - Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever.
What better news do we have than to know that no matter what direction our culture points, no matter how many times we reinvent our way of life, that Jesus will still be the same, and is eternally unchanging. Christ's transcendence of our cultural fluctuation is a source of encouragement and joy for me.
What kind of feelings do you have in relation to the unchanging Christ?
12 comments to "playstation 4 - Legit as Hammer Pants"
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Anonymous says:
There are a wide range of PS games available in the gaming arena. All these game disks are very costly.Its really quite interesting to play all games.
PlayStation 2 with games
GraemeGO says:
There are also lots of colours and variations of hammer pants, and less costly than PS4 is likely to be. Consoles have increased in launch price above natural inflation and yes the current incarnations do provide a lot more than just gaming devices now in return. In the long run I think we can expect to see a PS4, that will fill another void in our life that we haven't realised we have yet. But what it won't fill is the space reserved for Hammer Pants.
Anonymous says:
lmfao those 2 posts after the article were hilarious. the actual article itself- not so much. i love how they just blatantly ignore the message of the article and discuss possibilities of PS4 and Hammerpants. touche
Anonymous says:
there is no christ. therefore you fail.
Anonymous says:
I'm fairly certain that the reference to the PS4 and hammerpants had virtually nothing to do with the topic aside from help to show his point about Jesus Christ. So...for those who read the article and blatantly ignored the important part of it while ignoring the actual topic of the article, you're very oblivious to what matters. I'm not judgemental in any way, whatsoever, but I do feel sorry for you if after reading an article such as this all you got out of it was hammerpants and PS4. Very sad.
Anonymous says:
Shepherd wolf has no life/
Anonymous says:
you have no life either lol ^
Anonymous says:
no one that read this has a life...or is just very bored. the message is fine, but terrible way of going about it. i was bored and thought i stumbled on somethin funny when googling pics of ps4.. however, i was sadly disappointed :|
Anonymous says:
"for those who read the article and blatantly ignored the important part of it while ignoring the actual topic of the article"
I say kudos to them. They obviously understood what matters.
Anonymous says:
WTF is a christ??
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Anonymous says:
I just want to know if this "Christ" thing is backwards compatible?